Professor & Title IV-E Principal Investigator
Contact Information
Email: dscain@ua.edu
Office: Farrah Hall 114
Phone: (205) 348-9902
Areas of Interest and Expertise
- Child Welfare Training
- Disaster Mental Health
- Parenting Interventions
- Spirituality and Religion
- Doctor of Philosophy in Social Work, University of Tennessee, Knoxville, TN (2002)
- Master of Social Work with emphasis in Mental Health, East Carolina University, Greenville, NC (1995)
- Bachelor of Arts in Psychology with minor in Women’s Studies, North Carolina State University, Raleigh, NC (1992)
Dr. Daphne S. Cain, LCSW, has served in higher education for 22 years. Her academic career began in the School of Social Work at LSU (2001 – 2014) where she earned tenure and promotion to Associate Professor and served as the MSW Program Director (2009 – 2012), Interim Dean (2011 – 2012), and Interim Director (2012 – 2014). Dr. Cain served as Chair of the Department of Social Work at the University of Mississippi (2014 – 2018). She was promoted to Full Professor in 2017 and served as the Interim Associate Dean of Research for the School of Applied Sciences, University of Mississippi (2018). Dr. Cain moved to the University of Alabama in 2018 to serve as the Associate Dean of Administrative Services (2018 – 2022) and served as the Interim Associate Dean of Educational Programs and Student Services (2021 – 2022). Dr. Cain’s areas of research include disaster social work & disaster mental health and child welfare & child welfare training. She teaches mostly clinical classes including Psychopathology and Differential Diagnosis, Advanced Clinical Social Work Practice, and Marital and Family Treatment in Social Work. She served as the Editor-in-Chief for the Journal of Best Practices in Mental Health (2018 – 2023) and she is the Title IV-E Principal Investigator (2018 – current). Dr. Cain is a Professor in the University of Alabama School of Social Work.
Selected Publications
Cain, D. S. (2022). Disasters in times of shelter-in-place: Social work and the
COVID – 19 pandemic. In K. Corcoran & A. R. Roberts, Social Workers’ Desk Reference, 4th ed, (pp. 61 – 68). NY: Oxford University Press.
Callihan, M.L., Smith, S., Gibson, K., Bolton, K., Kaylor, S. K., Horton, A. G. Cain, D. S.,
Lippe, M. P. (2022). The use of high-fidelity simulation to promote authentic learning in undergraduate social work students. Best Practices in Mental Health, 18(1), 62 – 70.
Lee, L. H. & Cain D. S. (2020). Mental health policy for justice-involved persons:
Exploring history, perspectives, and models in the United States. Best Practices in Mental Health, 16(2), 55-68.
Lee, H. Y., Eyer, J. C., Lee, D., Won, C. R., Hudnall, M., Cain, D. S., (2020).
The opioid crisis in Alabama: Actionable recommendations for prevention, treatment, and recovery in rural communities. Best Practices in Mental Health, 16(1), 1 – 11.
Zhang, S., Cain, D. S. & Liao, M. (2019). Racial / ethnic disparities
in the decision points of mental health service use and psychotropic mediation receipt among depressed youth. Youth & Society https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/full/10.1177/0044118X19871853
Cain, D. S. & Loprinzi, P. D. (in press). Suicidal ideation and all-cause mortality risk. Best Practices in Mental Health.
Wilks, S. E., Boyd, P. A., Bates, S. M., Cain, D. S. & Geiger, J. R. (2019). Montessori-based activities among persons with late-stage dementia: Evaluation of mental and behavioral health outcomes. Dementia: The International Journal of Social Research and Practice.
Wilks, S. E., Cain, D. S., Reed-Ashcraft, K. B. & Geiger, J. R. (2017). Gerontological competencies among MSW students: Evaluation of a gerontology specialization program. Journal of Gerontological Social Work, 60(8), 606 – 618.
Cain, D. S. (2015). Katrina: Reflections on a social work career 10 years later. Reflections, 15(1), 21 – 37.
Cain, D. S., & Barthelemy, J.J. (2015). The New Orleans’ religious community rebuilds after Hurricane Katrina. Race, Gender & Class, 1082 – 8354, 184 – 196.
Blackmon, B. J. & Cain, D. S. (2015). Case manager perspectives on the effectiveness of an elementary school truancy intervention. School Social Work Journal, 40(1), 1 – 22.
Blackmon, B. J. & Cain, D. S. & Livermore, M. (2015). Juvenile court dispositions in the deep south: Examining the concept of justice by geography. Journal of Social Sciences, 11(2), 82-90.
Loprinzi, P. D. & Cain, D. S. (2015). Updated trends in suicidal ideation among U.S. adults, 2005 – 2012. Preventive Medicine, 78, 14-16.
Novoa, M. P. & Cain, D. S. (2014). The effects of reiki treatment on mental health professionals at risk for secondary traumatic stress: A placebo control study. Best Practices in Mental Health, 10 (1), 29 – 46.
Hill, T. D. & Cain, D. S. (2012). Perceived welfare caseworker support and psychological distress among low-income urban women with children. Social Work, 57(4), 353- 360.
Hill, T. D., Maccio, E. M., Cain, D. S., & Burdette, A. (2012). Client perceptions of welfare caseworker support and client mental health: Longitudinal evidence from the Welfare, Children, and Families Project. Social Service Review, 86(4), 594 – 603.
Cain, D. S., Plummer, C. A., *Fisher, R. M. & Bankston, T. Q. (2010). Weathering the storm: Persistent effects and psychological first aid with children displaced by Hurricane Katrina. Journal of Child & Adolescent Trauma, 3(4), 330-343.
Rhodes, J. L. F., *Thomas, J. H., Lemieux, C. M., Cain, D. S. & Guin, C. C. (2010). Truancy assessment and service centers (TASC): Engaging elementary school children and their families. School Social Work Journal, 35(1), 83–100.