James Meadows

Little Hall, home of the UA School of Social Work
James Meadows

PhD Student

Contact Information

Email: jtmeadows@crimson.ua.edu

Areas of Interest and Expertise

  • Military Families with dependents with disabilities


  • Associate of Arts, Mohave Community College
  • Associate of Applied Science, Mohave Community College
  • BSW, The University of Alabama, Tuscaloosa
  • MSW, The University of Alabama, Tuscaloosa
  • Graduate Certificate in Quantitative Educational Research, The University of Alabama, Tuscaloosa


James spent a large portion of his life in Arizona, becoming connected to Alabama when he married his wife through her and her family’s history with the Capstone. James worked for 16 years in human service work in Arizona. Because of the UA community of educators and students, his trajectory changed from direct practice to research. At the end of his first semester as a UA student, he spoke with one of the international students in the PhD program and was encouraged to give back to the profession. That conversation was a turning point in his life. James realized that as a Master’s level social worker he would be able to help the people he came into contact with, but, through published research expanding the state of science in social work and through teaching future students, he would be able to help exponentially more families.

Research Interests

His research areas are inspired by his own experiences after serving in the US Air Force and raising a child with developmental disabilities. He looks to focus in those two populations of military families and those persons with developmental disabilities.