UA social work professor to study cancer prevention behaviors among Alabama college students

Hee Lee outside on a sunny day

Dr. Hee Yun Lee, associate dean of research and Endowed Academic Chair in Social Work (Health), is conducting a study investigating cancer preventative behaviors in college students at The University of Alabama.

Cancer is a leading cause of death among Alabama residents. Even though studies have shown that preventative behaviors are effective in reducing cancer morbidity and mortality, little is known about what factors contribute to preventative behaviors among young college students.

Dr. Lee said this study will be the first of its kind to investigate cancer preventative behaviors in college students. The study will focus on UA undergraduate students who are between the age of 18 and 26, who speak English fluently and who are Alabama residents.

Survey responses will be used to develop intervention strategies to improve cancer health behaviors among college students, Lee said. UA students can complete the survey at and receive one $10 gift card!

For questions about the survey or study, contact Dr. Lee at or (205) 348-6553.