MSW Advising FAQs

MSW Advising FAQs

Frequently Asked Questions About Advising in the MSW Program

How do I get my PIN cleared for registration?  

MSW students are not required to meet with an advisor each semester to be cleared for registration. However, it is encouraged to reach out to your advisor before the registration process to make sure the courses you plan to register for are correct and that previous UA students do not have a PIN left from their undergraduate program.

How do I find my advisor?  

Current MSW students will be advised by the Coordinator of Student Services, Aubree Cuip. She can be contacted at (205) 348-4547 or

Who do I need to contact for a permit into a social work class? 

To request SW course permits, students may contact the School’s Registrar Kayla Boucher at (205) 348-5897 or  

Who do I contact if I have questions about how to register?  

Students can contact their advisor for assistance with registration.  

What do I need to do if I am thinking of dropping a class? 

Be aware of the last day to drop a class, which can be found on the Academic Calendar. Before dropping a course, it is important to get in contact with your professor to check your current grade and to ask if it is possible for you to pass the class. It is also important to contact your advisor to discuss any changes to your schedule, as some changes could alter your expected graduation date. If dropping a class will mean that you are no longer a full-time student, you may need to check with funding sources, insurance providers, etc. 

What do I need to do if I am thinking of withdrawing from semester? 

The first thing a student considering withdrawal should do is to consult with their academic advisor.

A graduate student may withdraw from the University (i.e., withdraw from all courses in the semester), for non-medical reasons, as long as this is done prior to the last day of classes. Be aware of the last day to withdraw from the semester, which can be found on the Academic Calendar.

For a medical withdrawal, the student must contact University Health Service. A medical withdrawal cannot be granted if the graduate student has taken any final examinations or their equivalent (final papers, final projects, or similar assignments) for the semester for which a withdrawal is being requested. The procedures for a medical withdrawal are available by contacting If you plan to request a medical withdrawal, review the Medical Withdrawal Policy, which can be found here: Medical Withdrawal and Return to Campus.

All requirements for the master's degree must be completed during the six years (18 fall, spring, and summer semesters) immediately preceding the date on which the degree is to be awarded.  Previously approved transferred coursework that falls within six years of admission to the master's degree program can be counted toward the minimum hours requirement.  There is no provision for an extension of the time limit beyond six years for master's students.

Who do I contact for information regarding tuition?  

Tuition rates can be found at For any questions or concerns, you can contact the Student Account Services office at (205) 348-9222 or

Who do I contact for information regarding scholarships?  

For School of Social Work scholarships, information and deadlines are announced through email and are posted on social media. We announce opportunities as they become available to us, but students are advised to search for scholarships that might be available to them; we cannot post information about every scholarship.

School of Social Work scholarships are posted on the UA Scholarship System. Once admitted MSW students can apply for scholarships through the UA system by logging into myBama, clicking on the Admissions & Scholarships tab on the left column, selecting Alabama Scholarship Award Manager under All Graduate/Undergraduate Students, and entering the required information.

  • Scholarship applications for the Advanced Standing MSW program are due January 10 each year.
    • Recipients will be notified around the end of March.
  • Scholarship applications for the Traditional MSW (2-yr) program are due February 10 each year.
    • Recipients will be notified around the end of April.

University of Alabama graduate student scholarships and fellowships are described on the Graduate School’s website.

All UA Online students are eligible for online only scholarships. Visit the following site for more information:

Students may also contact Coordinator of Student Services, Aubree Cuip, at for help regarding financial assistance. Information about University scholarships can be found at 

When do I need to apply for graduation?  

The deadline to apply for graduation can be found on the Academic Calendar at