David L. Albright, Hill Crest Foundation Endowed Chair in Mental Health and professor, has been awarded a 2018 President’s Faculty Research Award.
Sponsored by UA’s president and the vice president for research and economic development, the honor is given to outstanding faculty researchers from across UA colleges and schools. Dr. Albright received the award’s senior investigator honor in the area of social and behavioral sciences. See a full list of 2018 award recipients.
Dr. Albright, who also served as director of the Office for Military Families and Veterans at the School of Social Work, is a military Veteran and former research fellow with both the Department of Veterans Affairs and the RAND Corporation’s Center for Military Health Policy Research. Dr. Albright works to produce research that is useful for communities, health care providers, and policymakers as they work to address and improve health-related determinants and outcomes among military personnel, Veterans, and their families and communities.
He was honored with other award recipients at Faculty Research Day April 17. The event showcases and celebrates excellence in research and scholarship by bringing together faculty from across UA’s campus. The event also is held to increase awareness and generate enthusiasm for scholarship among faculty as the University moves to advance its research enterprise.
Read more about Dr. Albright’s research.