Lewis Lee

Little Hall, home of the UA School of Social Work
A male university researcher poses for a photo

Associate Professor

Contact Information

Email: lhlee@ua.edu
Office: 2009 Little Hall
Phone: 205-348-4822

Areas of Interest and Expertise

  • Criminal Justice/Juvenile Justice Reform
  • Health Disparities
  • Macro Practice
  • Program Evaluation
  • Substance Abuse


  • MSW, University of Pennsylvania
  • PhD, University of Pittsburgh


Dr. Lewis H. Lee focuses on the intersection of micro/macro factors associated with reentry and health disparities among justice-involved persons. He is also a scholar who has had long-standing interests in research methods and social work macro practice. To systematically and rigorously conduct his research agenda, Dr. Lee was certified in Health Disparities Research through the Health Disparities Research Education Program (HDREP) in the School of Medicine, University of Alabama at Birmingham where he focused on developing research methodologies and design to address health disparities found in various populations in need. Dr. Lee has had previous experience working with incarcerated adults and youth who have come in contact with the justice system. Dr. Lee also worked as a social work manager in an Asian-American nonprofit organization in New Jersey, where he provided community services to immigrant minorities. Dr. Lee teaches research-related courses, including research-informed practice, evaluation research, and social work research II.