Designated Persons are appointed by each college, school, or administrative division of the University to serve as contact points to receive complaints of harassment.
UA Links
Title IX Compliance
Title IX is a federal civil rights law that prohibits gender-based discrimination in education programs or activities receiving federal funding.
Harassment is abusive or hostile conduct that is directed toward or inflicted upon another person because of their race, color, religion, ethnicity, national origin, age, disability, or veteran’s status and which, because of its severity and/or pervasiveness, unreasonably interferes with an individual’s work or academic performance.
Sexual misconduct includes sexual harassment, sexual assault, dating/domestic violence, and stalking.
Title IX also prohibits discrimination on the basis of sex in an education program. Among the types of gender discrimination covered by this statute, Title IX protects against discrimination related to pregnancy or parental status. Protection extends to students who are pregnant or who have either had a false pregnancy, termination of pregnancy, have gone through childbirth, or are recovering from any of those conditions. Title IX regulations also prohibit a school from applying any rule related to a student’s parental, family or marital status that treats students differently based on their sex.
See the Title IX website page for more information.
Equal Opportunity Program
The Office of Equal Opportunity Programs and Disability Services supports the University’s efforts to foster a diverse student body and workforce. See the Equal Opportunity Program website for more information.
ADA/504 – Disability Accommodations
The University of Alabama is committed to providing persons with disabilities an equal opportunity to participate in and benefit from all programs and services conducted or sponsored by the University. The University provides reasonable accommodations for program accessibility and employment for qualified persons with disabilities as defined in applicable laws and regulations. See the Disabilities /Accommodations Issues page for more information.
Office of Disability Services (ODS)
The Office of Disability Services (ODS) is committed to ensuring educational access that enhances the lives of students with disabilities. See the Office of Disabilities Services page for more information.
UA Crossroads
The mission of Crossroads Civic Engagement Center, an initiative of the Division of Community Affairs, is to develop engaged citizens for the State of Alabama and the world. We do this through teaching, research, and service focused on four civic pillars: values, knowledge, skills, and action. See the UA Crossroads page for more information.
The Division of Opportunities, Connections and Success
The Division of Opportunities, Connections and Success will promote access and engagement for everyone in the UA community and offer three primary initiatives to help prepare all students and employees for success on campus and beyond. See the OCS page for more information.