Alumni Awards - SSW Tailgate 2024

Awards & Recognition

Awards & Recognition

The School of Social Work recognizes the impact students, faculty, and staff have on our school and The University of Alabama through our awards and recognition distributed during Honors Day and our Buford Peace & faculty/staff award banquet.

Bachelor’s Awards
The Danielle Downs Award – Most Improved BSW Student

Danielle was a dedicated social work student who was completing her undergraduate internship when she died in the April 27 tornado in 2011.

  • Presented at Honors Day
  • BSW Program Director selects the recipient
  • Decision sent to the Office of Educational Programs and Student Services by March 10
Undergraduate Research and Creativity Award

To recognize BSW students who present at the Undergraduate Research and Creativity Conference.

  • Presented at Honors Day
  • Not necessarily awarded every year – BSW Program Director is aware of any students who participate in URCC
  • Decision sent to the Office of Educational Programs and Student Services by March 10
BSW Research Award

To recognize BSW students who have either engaged in research activities at a high level or have submitted assignments with a research focus that demonstrates excellence.  

  • Presented at Honor’s Day
  • BSW Program Director chooses recipient.
  • Decision sent to the Office of Educational Programs and Student Services by March 10
BSW Award for Excellence in Social Work Writing

The BSW writing award was developed to encourage and recognize excellent writing among BSW students.

  • Presented at Honors Day
  • BSW Program Director selects the recipient
  • Decision sent to the Office of Educational Programs and Student Services by March 10
The Distinguished Scholars

The Distinguished Scholars award is presented to freshmen, sophomores, and juniors who are social work majors who have earned an overall grade point average of 3.5 or higher after completion of at least 12 semester hours as a social work major at The University of Alabama.

  • Presented at Honors Day
  • Social Work Registrar reviews student records to determine qualified recipients
  • Decision sent to the Office of Educational Programs and Student Services by March 10
The Dean’s Scholars

The Dean’s Scholars award is presented to BSW seniors who have earned an overall grade point average of 3.5 or higher.

  • Presented at Honor’s Day
  • Social Work Registrar reviews student records to determine qualified recipients
  • Decision sent to the Office of Educational Programs and Student Services by March 10
Master’s Awards
The Master’s Scholars Award

The Master’s Scholars award is given to second-year master’s students who have earned an overall grade point average of 4.0.

  • Presented at Honors Day
  • Social Work Registrar reviews student records to determine qualified recipients
  • Decision sent to the Office of Educational Programs and Student Services by March 10
MSW Award for Excellence in Social Work Writing

The MSW Award for Excellence in Social Work Writing was developed to encourage and recognize excellent writing among MSW students.

  • Presented at Honors Day
  • MSW Program Director selects recipient
  • Nominations are due March 3rd and can be emailed to MSW Program Director & Prog Asst.
  • Two awards are given:  one for an analytical/technical paper and one for a clinical paper
  • Decision sent to the Office of Educational Programs and Student Services by March 10
MSW Research Award

Recognizes an MSW student who has contributed to a research project with faculty or produced an outstanding research project within a research course.

  • Presented at Honor’s Day
  • MSW Program Director selects the recipient
  • Nominations are due March 3rdand can be emailed to MSW Program Director & Prog Asst.
  • Decision sent to the Office of Educational Programs and Student Services by March 10
DSW Awards
Contribution to Scholarship Award

This DSW student recipient is selected by the DSW Program Committee for their work in scholarship, as evident by a noteworthy presentation accepted by a professional/academic conference or a manuscript submitted to a scholarly journal for publication.

  • Presented at Honors Day
  • Self-nominations are accepted, which should include the conference presentation or manuscript submission.
  • Nominations are due by March 3rd and can be emailed to DSW Program Director
  • Decision sent to the Office of Educational Programs and Student Services by March 10
DSW Award for Writing to Advance Social Work and Social Justice

This award recognizes excellence in writing to a DSW student whose work addresses significant issues in social work practice or social justice.

  • Presented at Honors Day
  • Faculty may nominate students for this award and the recipient is selected by the DSW Program Committee.
  • Nominations are due by March 3rdand can be emailed to DSW Program Director 
  • Decision sent to the Office of Educational Programs and Student Services by March 10
Recognition of Contributions to Social Work Education

The doctoral student recipient is selected by the DSW Committee for their teaching. Students may be nominated for their dedication to social work education at the University of Alabama or other Schools of Social Work. The recipient may receive the award for their teaching (either as an adjunct or full-time instructors), practicum instruction/supervision, or administrative duties in social work education.

  • Presented at Honors Day
  • Nominations may come from UA faculty and students or from faculty at other Schools of Social work that are accredited by CSWE
  • Nominations are due by March 3rd and can be emailed to the DSW Program Director
  • The recipient is selected by the DSW Program Committee.
  • Decision sent to the Office of Educational Programs and Student Services by March 10
DSW Leadership Award

This award recognizes the leadership skills and activities of a DSW student, either to the university, school, or external community.

  • Presented at Honors Day
  • Nominations are accepted by UA faculty and students. The recipient is selected by the DSW Program Committee.
  • Nominations are due by March 3rdand can be emailed to DSW Program Director
  • Decision sent to the Office of Educational Programs and Student Services by March 10
PhD Awards
Outstanding Contributions to Teaching

The doctoral student recipient is selected for teaching.

  • Presented at Honors Day
  • PhD Program Committee selects the recipient
  • Decision sent to the Office of Educational Programs and Student Services by March 10
Outstanding Contributions to Service

The doctoral student recipient is selected for their work in the community.

  • Presented at Honors Day
  • PhD Program Committee selects the recipient
  • Decision sent to the Office of Educational Programs and Student Services by March 10
Outstanding Contributions to Scholarship

The doctoral student recipient is selected for their scholarship.

  • Presented at Honors Day
  • PhD Program Committee selects the recipient
  • Decision sent to the Office of Educational Programs and Student Services by March 10
Practicum Awards
Practicum Student of the Year

The student recipient is selected for excellence in practicum.

  • Presented at Honors Day
  • Practicum Team selects the recipient
  • Decision sent to the Office of Educational Programs and Student Services by March 10
Student Organization Awards
Appreciation Award – DSO

The DSO’s recognition of appreciation to a faculty or staff member for their assistance to doctoral students.

  • Presented at Honors Day
  • DSO members select the recipient; DSO Faculty Advisor convenes
  • Decision sent to the Office of Educational Programs and Student Services by March 10
  • Honorably mentioned at the Academic Awards ceremony
Appreciation Award – GSWO

The GSWO’s recognition of appreciation to a faculty or staff member for their assistance to graduate students.

  • Presented at Honors Day
  • GSWO members select the recipient; GSWO Faculty Advisor convenes
  • Decision sent to the Office of Educational Programs and Student Services by March 10
  • Honorably mentioned at the Academic Awards ceremony
Frank R. Egan Award – Phi Alpha

The Frank R. Egan award and honorary membership in Phi Alpha is given to a faculty member who promotes academic achievement among all social work students, and a professor who exhibits a high level of concern and commitment to the individual student’s well-being.

  • Presented at Honors Day
  • Phi Alpha members select the recipient; Phi Alpha Faculty Advisor convenes
  • Decision sent to the Office of Educational Programs and Student Services by March 10
  • Honorably mentioned at the Academic Awards ceremony
Jean B. Rayfield Award – USWO

The purpose of this award shall be to recognize faculty and staff members of The University of Alabama School of Social Work for outstanding contributions to the students.  This award is named after the first recipient, Jean B. Rayfield.

  • Presented at Honors Day
  • USWO members select the recipient; USWO Faculty Advisor convenes
  • Decision sent to the Office of Educational Programs and Student Services by March 10
  • Honorably mentioned at the Academic Awards ceremony
The Laura Langley Social Justice Award – SWACA

Given to a BSW student in memory of Laura Langley. Learn more about the Langley Award Presented at Honors Day

  • SWACA members select the recipient; SWACA Faculty Advisor convenes
  • Decision sent to the Office of Educational Programs and Student Services by March 10
Faculty and Staff Awards and Recognition
Faculty Retirements

Recognition of faculty and staff members who have retired from the School.

  • Presented at the Annual School of Social Work Awards and Buford Peace Award Ceremony
  • Not necessarily presented every year – Dean is aware of any retirements
Faculty and Staff Promotions

Recognition of faculty and staff members who have received a promotion in the past year.  This includes recognition of tenure and promotion of faculty.

  • Presented at the Annual School of Social Work Awards and Buford Peace Award Ceremony
  • Not necessarily awarded every year – Dean is aware of any promotions
University Degree Recognition

Recognition of faculty and staff who complete additional University degrees.

  • Presented at the Annual School of Social Work Awards and Buford Peace Award Ceremony
  • Not necessarily awarded every year – Dean is aware of any degrees awarded
  • UA Degree Recognition Form
Buford Peace Award

The Buford Peace Award is given annually to a faculty member at The University of Alabama who in their teaching, research, professional practice, and personal life, has demonstrated exceptional levels of involvement in mediating human disputes, helping overcome prejudice, promoting justice, and establishing peace.  Priority consideration is given to faculty members in the School of Social Work.  The secondary priority of consideration is to faculty in any division of UA who meet the selection criteria. Learn more about the Buford Peace Award.

  • Presented at the Annual School of Social Work Awards and Buford Peace Award Ceremony
  • Committee selects the recipient; the committee (appointed by the Dean) is one SSW faculty member convener, one UA faculty member from outside the SSW, one SSW student, and the previous year’s recipient
  • All UA faculty, staff, and students may submit nominations
  • Nominations due March 18
  • Committee chairs should email their committee roster to Darcel Green
  • Decision sent to Darcel Green by March 21
  • Buford Peace Nomination Form
Faculty Award for Research, Teaching, or Service

The Faculty Award for Research, Teaching, or Service is given annually to a School of Social Work faculty member who, in their research, teaching, or service, has demonstrated exceptional levels of achievement.

  • Presented at the Annual School of Social Work Awards and Buford Peace Award Ceremony
  • Committee selects the recipient; the committee is composed of the previous year’s recipient as convener, one SSW faculty member from each rank (Assistant Professor, Associate Professor & Professor elected by the SSW Faculty), and one SSW student appointed by the faculty committee.
  • All SSW faculty, staff, and students may submit nominations
  • Nominations due March 18
  • Committee chairs should email their committee roster to Darcel Green
  • Decision sent to Darcel Green by March 21
  • Faculty Research, Teaching, Service Nomination form
Howard B. Gundy Award

Not every year, but from time to time, the School’s faculty votes to give an award to a person who has demonstrated significant service to the faculty, students, staff, and alumni of the School and the profession of social work. Learn more about the Gundy Award.

  • Presented at the Annual School of Social Work Awards and Buford Peace Award Ceremony
  • Not necessarily awarded every year
  • Committee selects the recipient; the committee is one SSW faculty member convener (appointed by the Dean) and two SSW faculty members (convener requests volunteers)
  • Nominations are open to all SSW faculty
  • Nominations due March 18
  • Committee chairs should email their committee roster to Darcel Green
  • Decision sent to Darcel Green by March 21
  • Nomination form
Outstanding Adjunct of the Year Award

This award recognizes individuals who have demonstrated an excellent commitment to social work education by providing professional support, mentorship, and knowledge in the classroom, which contribute to the development of future social work professionals.

  • Presented at the Annual School of Social Work Awards and Buford Peace Award Ceremony
  • Adjunct Faculty Council members select the recipient; the Associate Dean of Student Services and Educational Programs convenes
  • Nominations due March 18
  • Committee chairs should email their committee roster to Darcel Green
  • Decision sent to Darcel Green by March 21
  • Outstanding Adjunct Nomination form
Outstanding Commitment to Practicum Education Award

Recognizes individuals who have demonstrated an excellent commitment to practicum education by providing professional support, mentorship, and knowledge to ensure practicum experiences that contribute to the development of future social work professionals.

  • Presented at the Annual School of Social Work Awards and Buford Peace Award Ceremony
  • Practicum Team members select the recipient; Director of Practicum Education convenes
  • Nominations are open to all SSW faculty, all SSW adjunct faculty, and all individuals involved in SSW practicum education
  • Nominations due March 18
  • Decision sent to Darcel Green by March 21
  • Outstanding Commitment to Practicum Nomination Form
Washington D.C. Program Outstanding Commitment to Practicum Education Award

Recognizes individuals who have demonstrated an excellent commitment to practicum education by providing professional support, mentorship, and knowledge to ensure practicum experiences that contribute to the development of future social work professionals.

  • Presented at the Annual School of Social Work Awards and Buford Peace Award Ceremony
  • Practicum Team members select the recipient; Director of Experiential Programs convenes
  • Nominations are open to all SSW faculty, all SSW adjunct faculty, and all individuals involved in SSW practicum education
  • Nominations due March 18
  • Decision sent to Darcel Green by March 21
  • Washington D.C. Program Outstanding Commitment to Practicum Nomination form
Staff Excellence Award

The School of Social Work established the Staff Excellence Award in March 2017. The award recognizes the exemplary performance of a staff member who consistently excels in his or her position and demonstrates integrity and a strong commitment to the mission and values of the School. Learn more about the Staff Excellence Award.

  • Presented at the Annual School of Social Work Awards and Buford Peace Award Ceremony
  • Committee selects the recipient; Committee selects the recipient; the committee is composed of the previous year’s recipient as convener, two or three SSW volunteer staff members, and at least one volunteer SSW faculty member.
  • Nominations are open to SSW faculty and staff
  • Staff must have one full year of employment in the SSW to be eligible
  • Nominations due March 18
  • Committee chairs should email their committee roster to Darcel Green
  • Decision sent to Darcel Green by March 21
  • Staff Excellence Nomination form