Assistant Professor
Contact Information
Email: hlee111@ua.edu
Office: 3008 Little Hall
Phone: 205-348-0527
Areas of Interest and Expertise
- Youth violence and bullying
- Trauma exposure among children and adolescence
- Gender roles and behavioral health
- Mixed methods research
- BA, Seoul National University
- MSW, University of Michigan
- PhD, Case Western Reserve University
Dr. Hyunjune Lee’s research agenda focuses on understanding the developmental effects of early adversities on individuals, especially among minoritized/marginalized populations. His current research focuses on understanding the impact of childhood violence exposure on the youth’s violent and aggressive behaviors such as bullying. Taking an intersectional perspective, he is also interested in examining the roles that race, socioeconomic status and stereotypical gender ideologies such as hegemonic masculinity have in the relationship between childhood violence exposure and youth violence perpetration.
Another focus of Dr. Lee’s work is the promotion of social justice and equity through how social work research is conducted. In line with this goal, he co-developed the Trauma-Informed, Socially Just Research (TISJR) framework that draws from the intersectional framework, trauma-informed principles, and healing-centered engagement to minimize power differentials between the researchers and participants and acknowledge the institutional harms and historical trauma experienced through research by participants with marginalized/minoritized identities and backgrounds.
Selected Publications
Russell, K., Xia, T., Voith, L. A., & Lee, H. (in print). Randomized controlled trials aimed at reducing adolescent dating violence: A brief review of Russell et al. Health Science & Education.
Russell, K. N., Withrow, A., Voith, L. A., Vernon, C., Lee, H., & McKinney, S. (2023). Exploring Low-Income, Black Fathers’ Strengths and Barriers to Positive Change using Qualitative Methods. Family Relations. [Impact Factor: 1.879]
Voith, L.A., Russell, K., Lee, H., Salas Atwell, M., McKinney, S., Thomas, T., & Barksdale, E.M. (2023). Using Grounded Theory to Develop a Theory of Change for a Violence Intervention Program. Evaluation & Program Planning. [Impact Factor: 1.886]
Lee, H., Russell, K. N., O’Donnell, K. A., Miller, E. K., Bender, A. E., Scaggs, A. L., … & Berg, K. A. (2022). The effect of childhood intimate partner violence (IPV) exposure on bullying: A systematic review. Journal of Family Violence, 1-18. [Impact Factor: 2.183]
Voith, L.A., Lee, H., Salas Atwell, M., King, J., McKinney, S., Russell, K., & Withrow, A. A (2022). Phenomenological study identifying facilitators and barriers to Black and Latinx youth’s engagement in hospital-based violence intervention programs. Health and Social Care in the Community, 1-12. [Impact Factor: 2.821]
Voith, L.A., Lee, H., Russell, K.N., & Korsch-Williams, A.E. (2021). Understanding how relational health effects intimate partner violence perpetration among low-income, Black, Indigenous, men of color exposed to adverse childhood experiences: An exploratory study. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 18, 3890. [Impact Factor: 3.390]
Evans, K. E., Lee, H., Russell, K. N., Holmes, M. R., Berg, K. A., Bender, A. E., & Prince, D. M. (2021). Adolescent dating violence among youth exposed to intimate partner violence: A systematic review. Journal of Family Violence, 1-18. [Impact Factor: 2.183]
Russell, K. N., Voith, L. A., & Lee, H. (2021). Randomized controlled trials evaluating adolescent dating violence prevention programs with an outcome of reduced perpetration and/or victimization: A meta-analysis. Journal of Adolescence, 87, 6-14. [Impact Factor: 3.256]
Voith, L. A., Lee, H., & Russell, K. (2020). How trauma, depression, and gender roles lead to intimate partner violence perpetration among a sample of predominately low-income Black, indigenous, men of color: A mixed methods study. Journal of Interpersonal Violence, 0886260520967139. [Impact Factor: 6.144]
Voith, L. A., Russell, K., Lee, H., & Anderson, R. E. (2020). Adverse childhood experiences, trauma symptoms, mindfulness, and intimate partner violence: Therapeutic implications for marginalized men. Family Process, 59(4), 1588-1607. [Impact Factor: 3.532]
Voith, L. A., Hamler, T., Francis, M., Lee, H., & Korsch-Williams, A. (2020). Employing a trauma-informed, socially just research framework with marginalized populations: Practices and barriers to implementation. Social Work Research, 44(3), 169-181. [Impact Factor: 1.211]