Tania Alameda-Lawson
DSW Program Director, Associate ProfessorPhone: 205-348-4396
Email: talamedalawson@sw.ua.edu

Daphne S. Cain
Professor & Title IV-E Principal Investigator
Phone: 205-348-9902
Email: dscain@ua.edu

Courtney Chapman Thomas
Director of Experiential Programs and Community Partnerships, Clinical Assistant Professor of PracticePhone: 205-348-3934
Email: courtney.thomas@ua.edu

Ellen L. Csikai
Professor and Editor of The Journal of Social Work in End-of-Life and Palliative Care
Phone: 205-348-4447
Email: ecsikai@sw.ua.edu

Dalila John
MSW Program Director, Clinical Assistant Professor
Phone: 205-348-4731
Email: djohn2@ua.edu

Dione King
Associate Dean for Professional Advancement and Assessment, Associate Professor
Phone: 205-348-2958
Email: dmking7@ua.edu

Hee Yun Lee
Professor, University Distinguished Research Professor, Endowed Academic Chair on Social Work and Health, Co-Director of the Alabama Center for the Advancement of Artificial Intelligence
Phone: 205-348-6553
Email: hlee94@ua.edu

Hyunjin (Gina) Noh
PhD Program Director, Associate Professor
Phone: 205-348-5265
Email: hnoh1@sw.ua.edu

Nicole Ruggiano
Associate Dean of Research and Development, Professor
Phone: 205-348-4654
Email: nruggiano@ua.edu

Carrie Turner
MSW Practicum Coordinator, Senior Instructor
Phone: 205-348-7278
Email: ceturner6@ua.edu

Sherron Wilkes
BSW Program Director, Clinical Assistant Professor
Phone: 205-348-4750
Email: skwilkes@ua.edu