Laura Hopson

Little Hall, home of the UA School of Social Work
Laura Hopson

Associate Professor

Contact Information

Office: Little Hall 2006
Phone: (205) 348-5270

Areas of Interest and Expertise

  • School Social Work and School-based Mental Health Services
  • School Climate
  • Equine-assisted Services
  • Evidence-Based Practice


  • BA, Bowdoin College
  • MSW, Columbia University
  • PhD, University of Texas at Austin

Selected Publications

  • Traylor, A., Williams, J., Kenney, J., & Hopson, L. (2016) Relationships between well-being and friend support and behavior. Children and Schools, (38)3, 179-186.
  • Hopson, L. M., Wodarski, J., & Tang, N. (2015). The effectiveness of electronic approaches to substance abuse prevention for adolescents. Journal of Evidence-Informed Social Work.   DOI:10.1080/15433714.2013.857178.
  • Jones, L., Hopson, L. M., Warner, L., Hardiman, E., & James, T. (2015). A qualitative study of Black women’s experiences in drug abuse and mental health services. Affilia30 (1) 68-82. DOI: 10.1177/0886109914531957.
  • Hopson, L.M., Schiller, K., & Lawson, H. (2014). Exploring linkages between school climate, behavioral norms, social supports, and academic success. Social Work Research, 38(4), 197-209. doi:10.1093/swr/svu017.
  • Esaki, N., Hopson, L. M., & Middleton, J. (2014). Sanctuary Model® Implementation from the Perspective of Indirect Care Staff. Families in Society, 95(4), 261–268, doi: 10.1606/1044-3894.2014.95.31
  • Hopson, L. M., Schiller, K., & Lawson, H. (2014). Exploring linkages between school climate, behavioral norms, social supports, and academic success. Social Work Research, 38 (4), 197-209, doi:10.1093/swr/svu017.
  • Holleran Steiker, L. K., Hopson, L. M., Goldbach, J. T., & Robinson, C. (2014). Evidence for site-specific, systematic adaptation of substance prevention curriculum with high-risk youths in community and alternative school settings. Journal of Child & Adolescent Substance Abuse, 23:5, 307-317.   doi: 10.1080/1067828X.2013.869141.
  • Hopson, L. M., Lee, E., & Tang, N. (2014). A multi-level analysis of school racial composition and ecological correlates of academic success. Children and Youth Services Review, 44, 126-134.
  • Hopson, L. M., & Weldon, P. (2013). Parental expectations and academic success in the context of school climate effects. Families in Society, 94 (1), 45-52.
  • Bowen, G. L., Hopson, L. M., Rose, R. A., & Glennie, E. J. (2012). Students’ perceived parental school behavior expectations and their academic performance: A longitudinal analysis. Family Relations, 61 (2), 175-191.
  • Jones, L. V., Hopson, L. M., & Gomez, A. (2012). Intervening with African Americans: Culturally specific practice considerations. Journal of Ethnic and Cultural Diversity in Social Work, 21, 37-54.
  • Hopson, L. M., & Lee, E. (2011). Mitigating the effect of poverty on academic and behavioral outcomes: The role of school climate in middle and high school. Children and Youth Services Review, 33, 2221-2229.
  • Holleran Steiker, L. K., Goldbach, J., & Hopson, L. M., & Powel, T. (2011). The value of cultural adaptation processes:  Older youth participants as substance abuse preventionists. Child and Adolescent Social Work Journal, 28 (6), 495-509.
  • Hopson, L. M., & Lawson, H. (2011). Social workers’ leadership for positive school climates via data-informed planning and decision-making. Children & Schools, 33 (2), 106-118.
  • Nickerson, A., Hopson, L. M., & Steinke, C. (2011). School connectedness in community and residential treatment schools: The influence of gender, grades, and engagement in treatment. Children and Youth Services Review, 33 (6), 829-837.
  • Lagana-Riordan, C., Aguilar, J. P., Franklin, C., Streeter, C. L., Kim., J. S., Tripodi, S. J., & Hopson, L. (2011). At-risk students’ perceptions of traditional schools and a solution-focused public alternative school. Preventing School Failure, 55 (3), 105-114.
  • Wodarski, J. S., & Hopson, L. M. (2011). Research methods for evidence-based practice. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications.
  • Allen-Meares, P., Franklin, C., & Hopson, L. M. (2010). School social work. In E. J. Mullen (Ed.), Oxford bibliographies online in social work. New York: Oxford University Press.
  • Hopson, L. M. (2010). Evidence-based practice in social work field education. In V. Fokine (Ed.), The role of universities in the support of scientific research in humanities. Tula, Russia: Tula State Pedagogical University Press.
  • Hopson, L., & Holleran Steiker, L. K. (2010). The effectiveness of adaptations of an evidence-based substance abuse prevention program with alternative school students. Children & Schools, 32 (2), 81-92.
  • Bruce, E., Naccarato, T.,  Hopson, L., & Morelli, K. (2010). Providing a sound educational framework for foster youth:  Updating the research agenda. The Journal of Public Child Welfare4 (2), 219-240.
  • Franklin, C., & Hopson, L. M. (2009). Involuntary clients in public schools: Solution-focused interventions. In R. H. Rooney (Ed.), Strategies for work with involuntary clients (2nd edition). New York: Columbia University Press.
  • Holleran-Steiker, L., Goldbach, J., Sagun, D., Hopson, L. M., & Laird, J. (2009). Prevention science. In L. M. Cohen, F. L. Collins, A. M. Young, D. E. McChargue, & T. R. Leffingwell (Eds.), The pharmacology and treatment of substance abuse: Evidence and outcome based perspectives. Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Inc.
  • Ellis, R., Holleran, L. K., MacMaster, S. A., Hopson, L., & Nilson, D. (2008). Culturally grounded HIV prevention for Latino adolescents in border areas. Journal of Human Behavior in the Social Environment, 17 ( ¾), 389-412.
  • Franklin, C., & Hopson, L. (2008). Family therapy. In T. Mizrahi & L. E. David (Eds.), The encyclopedia of social work, Volume 2 (20th edition). New York: Oxford University.
  • Franklin, C., Jordan, C., & Hopson, L. (2008). Effective couple and family treatment. In A. Roberts (Ed.), Social worker’s desk reference. New York, NY: Oxford University Press.
  • Franklin, C., Jordan, C., & Hopson, L. (2008). Intervention with families. In K. M. Sowers, W. Rowe, & L. A. Rapp-Paglicci (Eds.), The comprehensive handbook of social work and social welfare, Volume 3. New York: John Wiley and Sons.
  • Franklin, C., Moore, K., & Hopson, L. (2008). Effectiveness of solution-focused brief therapy in a school setting. Children & Schools, 30 (1), 15-26.
  • Holleran Steiker, L. K., Castro, P., Kumpfer, C.,  Marsiglia, F., Coard, S., & Hopson, L. (2008). A dialogue regarding cultural adaptation of interventions. Journal of Social Work Practice in the Addictions, 8 (1), 154-162.
  • Hopson, L., & Holleran Steiker, L. K. (2008). Methodology for evaluating an adaptation of evidence-based drug abuse prevention in alternative schools. Children & Schools, 30 (2), 116-127.
  • Hopson, L. M., & Wodarski, J. S. (2008). Guidelines and uses of rapid assessment instruments and the influence of managed care. In A. Roberts (Ed.), Social worker’s desk reference. New York, NY: Oxford University Press.
  • Franklin, C., & Hopson, L. (2007). Facilitating the use of evidence-based practice in community organizations. Journal of Social Work Education, 43 (3), 377-404.
  • Hopson, L., & Radey, M. (2007). Opioid-related disorders. In B. A. Thyer & J. S. Wodarski (Eds.), Social work in mental health: An evidence-based approach. New York: John Wiley and Sons.
  • Radey, M., & Hopson, L. (2007). Cannabis-related disorders.  In B. A. Thyer & J. S. Wodarski (Eds.), Social work in mental health: An evidence-based approach. New York: John Wiley and Sons.