Careers in Social Work

Careers in Social Work

Whether you are looking for your first job or have been in the workforce for years, starting the job search can be intimidating. How do you effectively advertise your skills to prospective employers? What do you need to do to prepare for that first interview? What questions are appropriate to ask an interviewer?

Social worker word cloud

Fortunately, The School of Social Work and The University of Alabama offer many resources for our students to prepare themselves for the workforce. All of our students are eligible to set up one-on-one appointments during our Career Conversations sessions. MSW students are provided tools for training for the licensure exam. And the Career Center at UA helps students with career planning, resumes and developing job-search strategies, while hosting career fairsmock interviews and employer information sessions to connect students, alumni and employers.

The School of Social Work also maintains ties with our alumni and affiliates, and will post jobs ads for openings that our partners send us.

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For those of you who are interested in what social workers are doing out in the world, we encourage you to join our Noontime Knowledge sessions, where seasoned social workers talk about hot topics, current events, and their experiences in the field.

And don’t forget to talk with our faculty and staff here at The School of Social Work. Our faculty and staff have over 250 years of combined experience in their fields and are dedicated to seeing our students succeed.

CSWE 2023


Students may download/print for their Career Success Toolbox:

Resource: 5 Steps to a Successful Salary Negotiation
Resource: Email Signature template
Resource: Resume template
Resource: Resume Action Verb List – Present Tense
Resource: Resume Action Verb List – Past Tense
Resource: Resume Action Verbs by Category – Present Tense
Resource: Resume Action Verbs by Category – Past Tense
Resource: Cover Letter structure
Resource: Resume Development Checklist
Resource: Interview Practice Questions
Resource: Interview Questions You May Ask Potential Employer
Resource: Interview Preparation Checklist
Resource: Interview Thank-You Note
Resource: References structure
Resource: State of Alabama Job Application Process

Web Resources

Resource: Social Work and Career Preparation Website Resources
Resource: School of Social Work Career Webpage
Resource: UA Career Center
Resource: LinkedIn and LinkedIn for Students
Resource: National Association of Social Workers (NASW) – professional organization
Resource: Association of Social Work Boards (ASWB) – licensure information
Resource: The New Social Worker® – the social work careers magazine