Learning Activities

Learning Activities

As a stipend recipient, you are responsible for completing and submitting a minimum of one Learning Activity each week of your field placement.  Learning Activities are part of your stipend agreement and mandatory. The activities will not be graded; however, they will be checked for completion and genuine effort. The activities are intended to help prepare you for your job duties and assist in the development of your professional skills.

There are multiple activities to choose from depending on your level of experience in the field of child welfare and with DHR. It is highly encouraged that you discuss the activities you elect to complete with your field placement supervisor. There is a section provided at the end of each activity for you to summarize any discussions you have with your field placement supervisor pertaining to the activity.

All the Learning Activities are in fillable pdf format and must be submitted in that same format. If you have trouble accessing/saving/editing the forms, you may need to download Adobe Acrobat Reader DC.

Learning Activities must be submitted by 11:59 pm on Saturday of each week of your field placement via email to TitleIV-E@ua.edu. Late submissions will be recorded and may result in your involuntary withdrawal from the Title IV-E Stipend program.

NOTE: This material is the product of the input from previous IV-E stipend students, supervisors, DHR employees, university administrators and professors from across the state of Alabama, along with many others. We would like to express our appreciation to those that contributed to this project by graciously providing information, documents, ideas and their time. Alabama Department of Human Resources, The University of Alabama School of Social Work, The State of Louisiana Department of Children & Family Services, The State of Louisiana Internship Experiences Work Group, The Louisiana Child Welfare Training Academy University of Denver, and Butler Institute for Families Graduate School of Social Work.

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